Freedom Does NOT Require Permission

In a Superorganic Civilization endorsing The Principles Of Nature

This part II of our blog titled: The Absoluteness Of Freedom

In our society, we have to ask permission for almost anything we can think of; the COVID crisis has just added another foggy layer to the mix. And should CBDCs not meet any resistance, world central banks will manage our bank accounts and control everybody’ spending, all this under the guise of “saving the planet” from pollution.

Well, it is really the cherry on the cake, let’s not mince our words.

The Great Reset is only beginning.

By 2025, we’ll own nothing as World Economic Forum declares on its website.

It is well known that fewer belongings and more life experiences with Nature make one happier, but this is not the rosy scenario the WEF has for us in the store.

There is no middle of the road.

A non-competitive system requires a majority to grasp the unlimited power of benevolence, which is why the latter has to be decentralized and model-less. Yes, there is no model for such a system because self-discipline has been mastered by most.

Unless one is raised as a Tibetan monk, self-discipline generally is the aftermath of having deeply analyzed one’s own self-defeating behavior, surrounding societal patterns, and also unbiased history.

It is not something that one learns from others, it is something that one acquires when clues are self-evident.

Being raised as a monk isn’t a model that can be applied broadly.

The study of Natural Laws can also be very helpful because once the “Law of Cause and Effect” is accepted as self-evident, one also becomes much more cautious before acting.

Added to this, the “Law of Polarity,” the existence of a counter-action for every action or word put forward, should also make one seriously ponder.

The “Law of Rhythm” should also get all our attention because life is as precise as the pendulum and seasons, and that particular law will amplify the 2 others above, the good and the bad as well.

The amount of wealth does not determine freedom but the level of “coercion vs benevolence” within any framework.

The wealthy also depend on marketing overall and do everything they can to keep the illusion of success alive. In fact, a competitive system cannot really offer anything genuine as it has to continually rely on the majority's lack of awareness.

This is an inescapable reality. This Caitlin Johnstone 2021 article definitely got our attention but still refers to the environment when describing the situation.

We’ve got to look within for an answer. But how to maximize benevolence then?

The “awareness” of control mechanisms is, of course, key toward the beginning of an answer, as Caitlin points out. But the real solution will be applied without a fight because the only thing that will work is doing nothing and by nothing,

we mean acting in a way to end the systemic “us vs them” groupthink”.

Freedom and benevolence are, in fact, two sides of the same coin.

Freedom has absolutely nothing to do with the “spur of the moment” as explained in part 1 of our series. What the current system rather teaches merely promotes “free-range thinking”.

Freedom is the consequence of free will and the willingness to operate within the boundaries of Natural Laws. People who have studied Esoterica are correct, it is only when we can obey nature that we are indeed free!

The boundaries of Natural Laws based System seem pretty strict at first sight because benevolence is paramount. As soon as we step outside the benevolence parameter, things change and generally become more difficult because coercion then dictates which ideas can grow in popularity, Coercion and Conformity are two sides of the same coin.

The current system is constructed in a way to tolerate only a small percentage of eccentrics but then reacts violently when their number grows one stretch too far. Conformity brings about shockwaves to the system because trends must be exploited until they have demonstrated their obsolescence or until there is another one ready to be exploited. And exploitation goes along with suppressing information.

Have you noticed?

So what is better: benevolence driving flexibility or coercion fueling conformity?

Let’s consider solar power for example, which was a solution for as long as off-the-grid pioneers relied on it. Today that solar power is paving the way for the next environmental crisis.

And that means that we’ll keep moving the same daunting issues around and make our situation worse by the day if not choosing benevolence.

How bad does it have to become before a majority embraces benevolence?

So when talking of benevolence and based on our words above, we ought to understand that it has never existed so far, though it is the only fashion to achieve the “Superorganic Civilization” in which individual benevolence organizes spontaneously, allowing each of us to optimize the realization of a Greater Good inspired by Natural Law and thus without asking permission for anything to anybody.

Many of you might feel very uncomfortable or even get scared when reading this, but regulations do not change the fact that the quest for corporate profit will drive most to circumvent them. They play daily with the risks of getting caught but will manage to get away with a slap on the wrist if law enforcement steps in.

Even scarier, these corporations set the trends consumers embrace at their own expense, obviously, if we dare factor in our 300-dollar global debt.

Global debt is more than $300 trillion. Why does it matter? (WEF, 2022)

Although a benevolence-based system has never been experienced, we will have to jump over the abyss and learn to rely on Natural Law because that is the only option left and worth trying.

During this process, we’ll eventually have to conclude that a Gift Economy is the best framework that perfectly embodies the dynamics of Benevolence. If you have enjoyed our thought-provoking blog, you might want to read…

Does Physics Negate Free Will?



Brigitte Kayser — The Mind Awakened

Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics (Natural Laws), Economics, Social & Individual Healing, AI, Voluntaryism. Thought-provoking without running around the bush.