Will Humanity Price Itself Out Of Existence?

System Based On Hierarchy Is A Failed Framework… Decentralized Degrowth Is Needed!

Society is so futile and senseless that we must do something about it.. sooner rather than later.

Amid warning signs such as rampant warmongering and the looming world bankruptcy, it is not conceivable to take sides anymore. With the threat of WW3 looming, this failed framework is becoming more evident daily.

In case you missed it (we did when it came out last October), we were reading about the Zantac class action a month ago or so. We became horrified by GSK’s claims of no wrongdoing and the two banks’ estimated settlement costs to be around five billion dollars.

Please realize that Zantac has been on the market since the 1980s. This over-the-counter drug has killed hundreds of thousands of cancer and other chronic ailments around the world. Then came the cherry on the cake when Wallstreet rallied after hearing that the settlement had been reached, and GSK stocks gained 2% that very day!

Speculating on life knows no bounds. The market has never had any ethics. Money is the only god. We all still earn a living because the stock market has not crashed yet. We cannot help ourselves but often spend some time pondering the repercussions of such a behavior encouraged by the system as a whole. There was a global recall only after the labs found a probable cancer-causing impurity in the drug.

A “probable” yes, you read well…

People must begin to grasp that what they hear is only a fraction of the data circulating and propagandized. When it comes to bashing Putin or the Iranian Regime, anything goes. But pharmaceutical companies are glorified. Many launched their versions of Zantac in the early 2000s and were immediately recalled when the scandal broke out.

Let’s do the math here… Hundreds of thousands died worldwide. Million most likely,

While scanning the headlines the other day, we spotted a pretty shocking one.

Boston biotech firm sets highest drug price tag in history: $4.25M per treatment

Typical capitalists clap their hands when they see this because, to them, it proves that the free market theory is unbeatable. This is where people following the money get it wrong because health insurance will shift their costs by increasing premiums. Sadly, the average person doesn’t seem to understand the “money game”, and of course, our education system is the main culprit.

Most people are gullible beyond belief. Many reporters have written about Forever Chemicals, Erin Brockovich, and others for decades. But as long as it is not on TV, few seem to care. This will dwarf the Tabacco and Abestos class actions because we can not eliminate PFAS. These big corporations bought influence to continue their business as usual, and they will die slowly. The chemical and pharmaceutical industries are two evil villains. Chemicals are making people sick, and pharma is into sick care…

Lawyers to Plastics Makers: Prepare for ‘Astronomical’ PFAS Lawsuits (May 2024)

Education is a dirty topic because the dire shape of the planet implies that most degrees are worthless. It is for us painful to watch. The world is falling apart before our very eyes, yet most expect to be proven right. Corporate consensuses shape college curricula, and that alone fuels many corporate wrongdoings because corporate lobbies are much too powerful.

Without a significant economic crash shaking the average mind, nothing will change. The sad thing is that it doesn’t need to be this way, but capitalism is a framework that exploits human labor, along with nature, so that we all can keep paying our bills.

Then, we came across this traumatic headline: ‘

Concrete is the most destructive material on Earth.

We clicked on the link impulsively, anticipating that the article would be jaw-dropping. And it was.

The planet produces 8 billion tonnes of concrete every two years, but ecologists regard the issue as less severe than plastic. Go figure! Concrete is as damaging. Interestingly, though, the columnist who penned this alarming report describes all the reasons why we should cut down our concrete overconsumption but skips one crucial issue: the skyrocketing housing market, which depends on concrete.

Restricting concrete production would undoubtedly poke the global housing bubble. We hope you can envision the insanity of our situation. Yes, you read well: we are poised to destroy nature further to avoid a great housing reset.

From there, we can begin to scratch our heads and wonder about the actual value of any house after the environmental costs are factored in.

Destroying Nature as if there is no tomorrow is irresponsible and impoverishes us all. No matter how many ghost towns we build, we try to escape the inevitable. In Malaysia, they wasted 100 billion dollars on a city that doesn’t even attract renters or tourists. China, too, has its share of cities that nobody wants to live in. In America, Forbes wrote two years ago that sixteen million homes are lying empty — that’s more than the homeless population.

Unfortunately, most people are not very interested in the psychological and philosophical aspects of consumptionism. For them, economics is a rational matter, and they don’t see the esoteric ramifications caused by the fact that we cannot consume more than we need. The existing consensuses are designed to give the impression that regulations can fix the problems. Still, this unprecedented crisis proves that law-making is futile because it all starts at the household level.

A vast majority want change, but change without departing from the current banking system delays real solutions and worsens the side effects of the upcoming collapse.

We do not always agree with Varoufakis, but his wording is accessible to an average audience, so it’s a good starting point for inquiring minds interested in looking for clues. Don’t let the mainstream media distract you, using climate issues to lock your brain into fear mode.

Physical reality is a scientific dogma. It essentially considers looking at things that can only be proven materially. That only works until a certain point because the unknown is always invisible or hidden in plain sight.

If the welfare of the planet doesn’t come first, nothing will change. It is a metaphysical issue… not an economic one. But mainstream science calls this approach pseudoscience.

Fortunately, Nature knows the difference between right and wrong. Nature knows that implementing Degrowth is the only smart move to end the pillage of Life because LIFE IS PRICELESS!

How economic growth has become anti-life (Vandana Shiva, 2014)



Brigitte Kayser — The Mind Awakened
Brigitte Kayser — The Mind Awakened

Written by Brigitte Kayser — The Mind Awakened

Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics (Natural Laws), Economics, Social & Individual Healing, AI, Voluntaryism. Thought-provoking without running around the bush.

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