We Are Here To Learn About Fear!

But without fear, we wouldn't know what “good” means

All ruling ideologies share something in common, and it is pretty troubling just thinking about it because that would mean that they are more or less similar, regardless of their political affiliation. The use of fear consolidates their rhetoric. Power is never an organic drive and requires precise settings. Withholding knowledge causes intellectual abuse and misconceptions to become systemic. And then, of course, coercion must occur to contain any arising imbalances, all of which justifies the need for a ruling ideology according to the lawmaking process. This is cognitive dissonance.

Hiding data and social disruptions are bedfellows. Look at how Social Media are seeking to restrict political content to some users because of the fear of civil disobedience. The fear factor goes back to those who initiated it, but then how to extricate ourselves from the spin without causing upheaval? That’s where we are, honestly speaking.

It is noticeable that those less aware are also way more gullible because anxiety freezes their minds. They will follow guidelines imposed by censorship without questioning the ethics behind it. Inversely, the more transparency, the more trust in each other and the system.

Knowing what is really going on makes valid solutions more accessible because the mind is in a state of creativity and not limited by boundaries. Lies and hiding facts, on the other hand, multiply uncertainty and play right into the hands of so-called experts initiating dubious and fear-mongering policies. They use the Law of Karm against the crowds.

Transhumanism, for example, is entirely propelled by fear, and we expounded on that on several occasions already. Crowds are urged to accept “brain chips” to remain relevant and get their “vaccine certificate” because it is inevitable that medical privacy will become meaningless in the near future.

How many know that their minds are about to be taken over as we speak? For fear to be applied scientifically, the Hegelian dialectic is required: problem, reaction, and solution.

We are here to learn about fear.

Fear is also divisive and segregates socially. Many assume that it is right to earn more money when knowing more. But does it make it moral if those in the know keep information for insiders? It’s really unsettling because trust should not be associated with meritocracy nor the power attributed to it, but the ability to see that morality relies essentially on Natural Laws.

The mechanisms of fear have been understood since the dawn of times.

Grasping its inner workings is key to ending the criminal plots of the ruling ideology, which always resorts to using fear to get its way. It’s quite blatant that the COVID crisis hides a bigger issue: that we are oblivious to the body-mind-spirit connection.

Regardless of the angle of observation, we choose to look at the picture from fear is the enemy because the world is, on top of that, competition-driven. Yes, competition is hazardous to health. What has it done?

Please, sit back without pink-colored glasses and start silently assessing our state of affairs. You will see that nothing works as intended. Things are getting worse.

Then we have the metaphysical aspect of “Fear”. When induced knowingly, it opens the door to a “despicable evil” because for those who are plunged into a long-term state of fear, choices are often fatal as the mind will tend to settle for dangerous quick fixes which very often anchor servitude even deeper into the fabric of society. .

The ruling ideology gets a rush from it, mentally and physically. They simply despise Life. Just look at the ecological state of the planet and human health as a whole!

Those in the know are also the “gatekeepers” of the path to Good, which is inaccessible unless ready to defeat several Minotaurs and risk everything for Life to triumph. But how many people will do that? Ancient Myths and their Archetypes are very enlightening when one is aware of what is taking place, even though they taught people so little millennia ago because most were illiterate. Of course, those tales were written by their ruling elites, aiming to dissuade people from learning. Heroes have to remain mythical and thus inimitable.

Fear is the root cause of anything bad happening to society today because it systematically inverts anything Good. People not aware of the inversion will end up defending immorality. There lies the pure evil aspect of fear.

At this stage, all compartments of society have been tainted — some more than others — by the inversion of the Good. Ending institutionalized Fear is also comes with a serious price tag when fully exposed for what is: the Older Order collapses along with most institutions that had been taken for granted.

The upside is that we can turn disaster into the REBIRTH of our civilization and bring back abundance… If we dare roll up our sleeves and just go for it!



Brigitte Kayser — The Mind Awakened
Brigitte Kayser — The Mind Awakened

Written by Brigitte Kayser — The Mind Awakened

Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics (Natural Laws), Economics, Social & Individual Healing, AI, Voluntaryism. Thought-provoking without running around the bush.

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