This “Forever Living” Chemical Turns 60 Years Of Age!
We won’t resolve the conundrum unless we begin to C.A.R.E about life.
For your information, this blog was penned in 2020.
If we never see Erin Brokovitch invited by any mainstream TV anchor, there is no need to think too far. Controlling perceptions is everything.
So, after four years of Trump-EPA bashing, the so-called progressives would rather such news not go viral: Biden’s choice is very telling about the establishment again.
The president-elect Biden tapped a former DuPont consultant to join his Environmental Protection Agency | Thu 19 Nov 2020
Although we praise Erin’s activism, we chose this article to remind the World of the ticking clock. Remember what we said in our previous blog that science never fixes its own errors?
Well, here is another one to add to our list!
We won’t resolve the conundrum unless we begin to care about life. All life. Issues are not separated. We are the ones fragmented. And deep within on top of that.
C.A.R.E is “the” Natural Law that binds all other ones. Only caring to keep an open mind and constantly pushing the boundaries of one’s own perceptions will bring about peace and abundance. Trying to ignore the world we live in while hoping to pursue our merry ways leads to nowhere but the brick wall.
When we hear that Love fixes everything, in fact, we should use the word C.A.R.E. It is about humility and endorsing the Law as the only real value in the entire Universe. Our molecular machines also care about keeping us alive and restlessly work toward this goal until our time to fade has come.
For Life to be sustained, the mating of the elements is necessary. And these elements have an inherent empathy toward others that helps them reproduce at will. Everything is where it has to be. In the Greater Scheme Of All Things, even those that do not mate must cooperate. This means that even if humans don’t think alike, their primary task is to ensure that life perpetuates itself.
This has to be a common goal.
C.A.R.E is not about hugging each other per se but about individual motion and realization. The concept of altruism has distorted its meaning, which is precisely why monetized altruism does not work on a grand scale. C.A.R.E requires a constant individual focus that cannot be enforced by its financialization, any groupthink, or any political body.
Supporting organizations financing “tree planting,” for example, will have little to no effect unless we also join a chorus to shut down the worst corporate offenders in the first place and downsize the world economy accordingly.
The Principle of Care demands that we C.A.R.E about the entirety of humankind.
We may care about our own existence all we want, but if we end up acting against the greater good, the Law of Cause and Effect will eventually remind us that we’re on the wrong path. Generally, we regard these warnings as necessary evils, but they really aren’t.
It just is that we’re not educated to decipher the latter, so we think that the world is just like that: unredeemable and lost.
Such processes have to become self-evident within each of us. This is what the Awakening is really about. The lifting of the Veil. The message transpiring from this global quagmire is right in our faces now… but how much worse does it have to get before a majority cares enough to begin the healing of our “trauma factory” called society?
Forever Chemicals and microplastics are everywhere. Let’s also mention the illusion of a Wall Street-driven renewable boom and market obsolescence threatening natural resources. Trawling fishing techniques destroying sea beds and ocean ecosystems. Society wasting 50% of the food supply. Pharmaceuticals ignoring our toxic environment but waging a war on viruses and bacteria, while without the latter, life couldn’t possibly exist… The list is long.
All this clearly tells us that time to C.A.R.E has come.
The president-elect has tapped a former DuPont consultant to join his Environmental Protection Agency transition board By Erin Brockovich | Thu 19 Nov 2020