The World’s Most Expensive Liquid… But At What Cost?

When unethical practices are tolerated they spread to other areas as well…

A thoroughbred foal can sell for $100,000 with no guarantee that the young stud will become a champion. The gamble factor has a lot to say even with strong genetics. But either or, stallions will be sent to slaughter as soon as they start failing to accumulate prizes and awards.

So every time we watch horse races or jumping events and admire these powerful animals, their future is actually quite grim. Only a fraction will make a career as “top breeders” and be kept alive for their pricey semen that can be sold for up to $650,000. But that too lasts while it can.

You see, there is so much money to make in the industry that prices remain stubbornly high!

Yes, this is a dirty business but please keep in mind that it only is one area of investigation among many others, and as long as society continues to look the other way, humans will remain the enablers of their own die-off.

Horse semen is one of the best examples out there to help shift the profit-making mentality: this is what the system is doing to humanity. This is not a necessary evil but caused by ignorance of the facts.

Moreover, when unethical practices are tolerated they spread to other areas as well. Using horse meat for the pet industry itself generates $50 billion yearly and which is the culprit for overcrowded animal shelters, not to mention pet sales to the pharmaceutical industry for useless animal studies wasting $28 billion yearly. And we could go on and on. This is what the system does.

But the Laws of Nature are immutable so why not capitulate?

The problem will not disappear any time soon — unless we start looking at the profit drive differently.

A staggering 130,000 American horses were slaughtered in Mexico and Canada in 2015 — Two-thirds of horses set to slaughter are quarter horses, and many are castoffs from the rodeo or racing industries. The Thoroughbred-racing industry sends an estimated 10,000 horses to slaughter annually, meaning that half of the 20,000 new foals born each year will eventually be killed for their flesh. (in America alone)

The only way to stop this — along with the downfall of society — is to connect with the superorganism called Nature!

On a more positive note, we stumbled across this page on Films For Action and while they do not comment on a money-free world, they surely call for a more balanced planet without the worship of materialism.



Brigitte Kayser — The Mind Awakened

Metaphilosophy, Metaphysics (Natural Laws), Economics, Social & Individual Healing, AI, Voluntaryism. Thought-provoking without running around the bush.