Research On Psychedelics Interested In Ego Dissolution?
A brain that can think for itself is subversive!
Just like LSD, MDMA (which is ecstasy) Ketamine is a biopharma product of the previous century. It is thus not a plant medicine but does cause hallucinations.
Ketamine stands apart from similar medicines because of its unique properties and position within the world of psychedelics. Its effects are a combination of qualities similar to other psychedelic and natural medicines — it’s an analgesic like cannabis, an anesthetic like kambo, can have euphoric effects like MDMA, and induces deep visionary experiences like ibogaine or ayahuasca. (psychedelic times)
Aldous Huxley’s Dystopian dream was to have a fully medicated society, and his dream might just be on its way to coming true. Even though our society already is medicated with porn, alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs illegal and prescription drugs, we definitely are at crossroads again.
Pharmaceuticals have embarked on the quest for manipulating our emotions with psychedelics. A brain that can think for itself is subversive and needs to be controlled.
The growing success of Ayahuasca, Bufo, and Iboga especially opened the door to the legalization of these plant medicines because of their potent healing properties.
Ayahuasca Retreats and Churches have begun to pop up nationwide and it’s very easy to find them on Google today.
Even though their services have gotten a little pricier over time, one still can save the airfare to Latin America. People healing themselves with the help of shamanic mentors is not acceptable according to pharmaceutical consensus because that represents billions of dollars in market losses.
Neuroscience would rather see us like machines with switches that can be turned on and off at will. The dream has come true with ketamine.
With the drug war being lost, the only solution was to show strong support for psychedelics and start the takeover of the trend, while claiming the virtues of science as a savior.
Neuroscience is racing to control our emotions and reactions and ketamin is getting the most attention. But why?
The psychedelic switch is set to become the new pharmaceutical Eldorado and you will see that soon enough, microdosing of ketamine available for all kinds of traumas and depression.
The drug Esketamine is already on the market. Science does not care at all about indigenous knowledge and practices. Plant medicines will remain part of the alternative research.
Since it is glutamate that regulates the level of ego-dissolution, studies can now move forward while removing any plant-based knowledge, bypassing Nature.
Science is very good at thinking it can do better than Nature. Just look at the state of the planet… so how is this going to end again?
The article encouraging the use of Ketamine and cannabis is another eye-opener telling us that neuroscientists regard society as a rat race and will push imbalances so that individuals do not only become even more dependent on prescription drugs but more and more separate from the spiritual realm.
Just in case you didn’t know ketamine is also a top drug rape. Indeed, what could go wrong since addiction to ketamine is fact now?
Turning psychedelics into another industry is exactly what we feared a few years ago.
And the only way to stop this is to realize that a for-profit society is NOT the answer.