Pornography Laying Waste To A Whole Generation Of Boys & Girls
It Is Time For MEN To Call Each Other Out!
Although Chris Hedges is still far from advocating for a Gift Economy as a model, we have to recognize that he’s a great speaker actually. But who knows, we might contact him one of these days, and maybe will he support our efforts.
One thing is certain: he has the right mindset to understand the metaphysics linked to the absolute necessity to end trading Life.
In this article below, Hedges is really knocking several nails in the coffin at once.
The financialization of Sexuality is a weapon of choice brought to us by the money making mindset.
Debauchery has existed since ever, sure, though depraved behaviors are more likely the direct result of a perception attributing little to no value to life.
That is why we still have wars. Because killing is relatively cheap compared to the benefits pocketed by the military complex. Then we also have the corporate exploitation of the societal bottom class, without which nothing can happen… slave wages will never disappear as long as monetarism continues to exist. Porn websites wouldn’t keep proliferating if their online presence was not generating revenue.
But in such an environment, people constantly witnessing all the bullying, are encouraged to do the same. And for the psyche to cope with the harsh reality, the need to eroticize exploitation and domination will become a way to overcome the trauma of living in such a society.
And the more capitalism (taking more out than what one puts in) flourishes the more X-rated movies are sought after.
Even as we march toward doomsday, the supply and demand show no sign of slowing down. Over the last 20 years, the explosion of the porn market also revealed itself for what it is though: highly destructive, which is why domestic violence is at an all-time high worldwide, and “naughty kink on-demand” operates as “dark magic”.
‘Pornography Is What the End of the World Looks Like’
CHRIS HEDGES: We are blinded by self-destructive fantasy. An array of amusements and spectacles, including TV “reality” shows, huge sporting events, social media, porn (which earns at least twice what Hollywood movies generate), alluring luxury products, drugs, alcohol,, and magic Jesus, offers enticing exit doors from reality. We yearn to be rich, powerful, and celebrities. And those we must trample to build our pathetic little empires are seen as deserving their fate. That nearly all of us will never attain these ambitions is emblematic of our collective self-delusion and the effectiveness of a culture awash in manipulation and lies.
Materialism has been pushed to the extreme and now it is payback time.
Unfortunately, we needed to get to this point because Truth has to be experienced, no matter what. Of course, the highly defective education system can be blamed but a for-profit system will always end up dumbing down crowds to facilitate profits.
Well, informed people do not buy themselves into oblivion and quickly see beyond the cheapness of lust. Unfortunately, they represent a minority among the population.
“Intercourse” is a ritual that can be used for the best and the worse. And generally, people fall for the worse and end up seeing a shrink for depression.
Society is a trauma factory, so sexuality is going to inflate the ego and make up for any flaws. Not to mention that so many perceive “dating” as “owning” somebody. It is also very tempting because possessing a lover is reassuring but it only lasts while it can of course.
In porn, human imperfections do not exist. The oversized silicone breasts, the pouting, gel-inflated lips, the bodies sculpted by plastic surgeons, the drug-induced erections that never subside, and the shaved pubic regions — which cater to porn’s pedophilia — turn performers into pieces of plastic. Smell, sweat, breath, heartbeats, and touch are erased along with tenderness. Women in porn are packaged commodities. (Chris Hedges)
The downfall of feminism, encouraging women to praise women regarding themselves as Wall Street assets, will be memorable… when it happens. If the movement had anything valuable to offer, things wouldn’t have come close to this point of non-return.
As the porn industry got bigger over the last decades, feminists began to reclaim the right to objectify themselves. How crazy is that? Every trend pushed to the extreme ends up embracing its polar opposite.
As long as life is for sale, nothing will change. In 2013 a survey revealed that high school students as young as 12 years old started to seeking for porn. That was ten years ago. How young are they now…?
Porn is not about sex if one defines sex as a mutual act between two partners, but about masturbation, a solitary auto-arousal devoid of intimacy and love. The cult of the self — that is the essence of porn — lies at the core of corporate culture. Porn, like global capitalism, is where human beings are sent to die. “The porn industry has hijacked the sexuality of an entire culture and is laying waste to a whole generation of boys,” she warned. “And when you lay waste to a generation of boys, you lay waste to a generation of girls.” (Chris Hedges)
It is affecting everybody and prevents the exchange of genuine emotions, instills distrust, and even destroys families. Being at the end of the cycle, it is very likely that it might take more than a generation to fix this at a societal level, providing that we are able to turn things around of course.
This is why you never see anti-porn stories. The media is implicated. It is financially in bed with these companies. Porn is part of this. Porn tells us we have nothing left as human beings — boundaries, integrity, desire, creativity, and authenticity. Porn also sets the standard for female beauty and female comportment. And this has had terrifying consequences for girls. (Chris Hedges)
So deja-vu. The sky is the limit, right?
One thing that capitalism will have taught us is to understand that it is not because we can do it that we should do it, and that does mean that the profit motive IS a giant illusion.
We are supposed to be civilized but every 6 minutes a rape is committed in America. Many assaults also fail to be reported. This is a global trend.
Remember our mini-doc “Life vs The Patriarchy”? We really have a problem and the sooner we recognize it the better we can recover.
Men have to call each other out!!!
Considering that a young boy’s sexual template is set by age 15, they are pretty helpless and incapable of bounding. The Conversation ran an article in 2020: Pornography has deeply troubling effects on young people… there is no way to minimize the harm without first understanding the deep ramifications of consumptionism.
We have to save the children, it must become our mission!