Pondering The Complexity Of Greed
Here Is The Remedy… But It Won’t Be Free Of Charge!
Usually, those who are willfully ignorant will try to shut you off by saying that “you always are trying to be right” or “With you, I am always wrong anyway.” They will not address the topic, let alone ask any questions.
Here is the remedy for greed. Are you ready?
The topic of greed is very complex because when we have to earn a living, we all look for what we perceive as good deals and want more for our pennies. Perception is because everybody is greedy in this pyramid of hyperconsumption. That is why monetarism cannot fix the problem of greed. However, if we look closer, we will see that it is a built-in defense mechanism of the system. Many will shake their heads, thinking that this evil must be attributed to human nature.
Fixing the problem of greed fixes all other world issues as soon as we begin to regard greed as a symptom. It is not a cause because crowds follow money like automatons, and this is what causes greed. Money has to exist for the phenomenon to happen. However, money is sold to us as a device to buy freedom while it has enslaved us for 5000 years.
Hopefully, when the 315 trillion global debt bubble pops, many will realize that we are living in a giant illusion and that materialism is baloney.
Everybody follows the money to survive. Billionaires, too, survive at their own level. If more people could awaken, the top 0.1% would lose everything overnight. Another example is if you compete at work to keep your job, it is a form of greed. Greed comes in many flavors.
Any form of attachment to materialism symbolizes greed.
The mentality is the same. For the very wealthy and powerful, saving money translates into millions or billions. The point here is that the monetary system induces this mentality. But all this is conditioning because you cannot take anything with you when your time is up.
It is why compulsive materialistic accumulation is baloney.
At the average crowd level, we are bombarded with commercials and incentives to spend. Most people don’t know that when they chase the so-called good deals, they often sponsor slave wages. We are merely describing the “making-VS-saving money mentality” behind the need for survival. They both come from the same drive. If we stop holding on, the 1% loses everything.
The remedy to greed is a very simple formula. We just need to brace ourselves to pay for it.
All this masquerade will stop the day we stop compulsively buying what they are selling. Landfills are full of “their” stuff.
If we want peace and harmony, we will first have to let go of it because the new paradigm does not consider materialism but genuine relationships between all humans. We’d lose everything in the sense that the meaning of human value would shift completely and become priceless. That would force us to come up with a different outlook on life in general. The change will be pretty destabilizing from the inside out. As our perceptions change entirely, what we’re taking for granted today will go down the drain.
Life is the painful process of learning to detach oneself from anything we hold dear when reversing back to our metaphysical state. The system never taught us respect for life but competing and trample others for the sake of success. That is why greed is pervasive.
Most people hold on to what they have at all costs. That is the trap of the system and why we cannot defeat it.
Let it go, and the greedy system will go.
Just think for a minute: from a slave wage’s perspective (which makes all the cheap goods that we consider “good deals”), we are greedy. The system is compartmentalized, and each compartment is greedy at a different level. However, within each compartment, people don’t look at themselves as greedy. Perceptions are easily manipulated, indeed. But the fact is that the day we say NO to buying anything made by slave wages, the system will collapse, and the corporations/millionaires/billionaires will as well.
That is the only way to address greed. It starts a home!
Institutionalized materialism is baloney. It is the invisible realm that commands the material world. Anything considered real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. Being overly focused on possession is also insatiable, which is why we are destroying our habitat like no other species. Animals are in equilibrium with nature. We are disconnected from it big time.
The true nature of reality is continuous change. We are all born and die naked, and we do not take anything with us when we transition. The conflict with materialism is the major obstacle to inner change.
Individualism requires constant validation because it separates from the whole of society, hence fuels narcissism and sociopathy. Life is an unbeatable zero-sum game.
If we do not transform ourselves from within, greed and corruption will remain bedfellows ad vitam aeternam.
We at The Mind Awakened do not want to be well-adjusted in a dysfunctional society. How about you?