Only A Collective Ego Breakdown will FREE Society!
A Harsh Reality Check….

What do Charles Eisenstein and Bertrand Russel (1872 -1970) share in common?
And countless others, us at “The Mind Awakened” included.
If you're familiar with our blog, it has been our mantra for quite some time already, and we’ll keep at it as long as the majority has not yet awakened.
That message has to be carried on by anybody who grasps the stakes.
Our message is leaderless and will be successful if we don’t seek any political venue to promote the message. Politics is unable to remedy our ills because the competition model constricts it. Only a platform aiming at abolishing politics as we know it could help, but we have yet to build it.

This collective ego breakdown has been lurking since the dawn of humanity. It is a Collective Rite Of Passage.
It is the prime cause of civilization collapse. We are here to participate in the homeostasis of the planet and be dedicated to positive creativity, we mean by that “any kind of creativity that promotes life instead of killing it”. There is a majority who think that by embracing the “mind your own business philosophy,” everything should run just fine, but it is not how Nature works.
The biosphere results from endless molecular collaboration, so we are bound to follow the same biological arrangements.
Anything that isn’t working ends up calling us out, one way or another. Society is composed of human beings who can be compared to molecules with their unique tasks. Practicing tolerance and humility is a duty because molecules do not have the same functions but participate in the diversity needed to sustain life.
This understanding relies on pure metaphysics. The bigger model must be validated by smaller ones (and otherwise) because the structure of the universe is fractal.
In this sense, we either begin to follow Nature or go extinct. There is a consensus that makes us want to believe that merging with digital intelligence to remain relevant is the only way out, but that is untrue because that very system is binary and seeks to copycat what makes us humans and usurp Nature. But that leap can only succeed if Nature is dying to justify that we need intelligent computers.
There is a lot to write about the topic. Any civilization that has survived the computer age has followed the diktats of natural laws and respects the cosmic arrangement.
Such a system does not create a synthetic world on its own.
If you look at the state of the planet and the planned demise of our food chain for example, again everything falls into place. Controlled food systems are here!
Material security, as sold by the media, does not exist. There is no quick fix in the material sense because everything has an abrupt or soft ending. We have to escape from the conditioning that we are here to work, eat, and reproduce.
Sitting at home with “metaverse googles” to escape this reality is not going to make our lives better.
We need to rediscover Ancient Knowledge first and move ahead from there, going back to the time when people were taught that the planet is sentient and our only home…