How The World Embraced Consumptionism
The Day Students And Consumers Became Private Goods
As usual, the truth is out there in the mainstream, but those connecting the dots are profiled as “conspiracy theorists” by the same mainstream publications. Isn’t it incredible?
Let’s start with a 2018 BBC article whose headline is used for our blog title and explains quite much of the ordeal we’re dealing with:
Over the course of the 20th Century, capitalism molded the ordinary person into a consumer. Kerryn Higgs traces the historical roots of the world’s unquenchable thirst for more stuff.
And then this other one by the very same network published in 2014 and titled How American Universities Turned Into Corporations:
At their core, these stories reflect a fundamental change in higher education: universities act increasingly like big businesses that treat students as customers… This transformation is part of a larger cultural shift that can be traced back to the 1970s and ’80s, when policymakers began to view higher education more as a private good…
So yes, the second article was written seven years ago and without fanfare, apparently. So what is the student loan bubble worth, we’d ask you sincerely, and this, considering the latest growing trend of students still living with their parents after graduating? The issue is pretty well documented on Youtube, but the mainstream media also seems to ignore all the connecting dots.
The hidden storyline is that our economy is a horrendous spend-or-die trap about to engulf the entire planet. Indeed, Reuters reported by the end of 2021 that our global debt bubble stood at around 300 trillion dollars. We’ve already mentioned this in previous blogs. And we repeat it again because if you do not hear the alarm bell, we indeed do!
What is a degree worth when a study of public universities shows that schools with the highest presidential salaries also had the fastest-growing student debt? The left claims to stand against corporate greed, but what did it do to prevent the corruption of knowledge itself?
We’re all for pointing the finger at financial monopolies, but if we don’t act against them, we should not be complaining about our situation going from bad to worse. Should we?
The strict bottom line and which we have investigated for over a decade now, is that if we start accepting the monetization of life itself, we end up being sold to the highest bidders too. So, there is a logical chain of events here that we need to fix urgently because that very monetization knows no bounds. Human trafficking is on its way to being accepted as the new normal and seen as an unpreventable evil.
Competition encourages “anything goes,” and we’ve got to unite and peacefully protest against it because the only real solution is to no longer partake in this macabre global economy.
A Natural Law: The Universe is fractal by nature, meaning everything happening within it affects us, sooner or later. Everything we do to nature comes back to haunt us, and so if we allow human exploitation.
For example, if we tolerate that some at the bottom earn slave wages so that we can buy cheaper goods and products, we help funnel profits back to the top within the food chain and insanely enrich corporations.
We hope this sounds scary to you because only we, the consumers, can stop this. Let alone expecting politicians to address this. Why would they come to the planet's rescue if they don’t do anything to end the student loan inferno?
This is a fundamental question as the American election approaches, folks! Unfortunately, voting with our wallets will no longer work at this stage, and the issue will worsen.
Under the theory that student debt was “good debt,” student lending limits rose during Reagan’s presidency, and a profitable student loan market emerged. (Time Mag)
There is no such thing as a good debt as we all can see now. And if we think further and honestly look at the wealth hoarded by the 1%, we can quickly see that they own our debts since we depend on debts to go by completely.
Even the super-wealthy aren’t wealthy if we accept this quite terrifying conclusion. So where do we move from there now?
The solution is quite simple:
we need a system change and fast! We have been living in a giant illusion since ever and caused by the way we regard money itself.
Money cannot become an extension of ourselves or has disastrous consequences. On the contrary, it is seeking to increase the “value”, that got us to the brink of the precipice.
That’s the dilemma in a nutshell. Profits can only be generated if we endorse the spend-or-die mantra. But what if the conditioning to spend ever further to keep our jobs eventually vanishes?
Money would cease to be regarded as fundamental to the economy, and helping our fellow humans would take over very quickly. Compassion and empathy would start to be the driving forces ruling the planet. Peace and harmony would finally triumph.
Yes, folks… no less. We’ve been wrong all along, and it is time to return to school!
The introduction of time payment arrangements facilitated the extension of such buying further and further down the economic ladder. (Time mag)
We recommend BBC’s How The World Embraced Consumerism to familiarize yourself with Victor Lebow's and Gustave Le Bon's theories. Lebow claimed back then that we need things consumed, burned up, replaced, and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate.
As for Le Bon, just get your hand on a copy of his book: The Crowd, A Study Of The Popular Mind…
While we are at it, let’s not forget Edward Bernays’ classic 1928 book “Propaganda,” and “The New Economic Gospel Of Consumption” by Edward Cowdrick as well.
All were the most prominent corporate thinkers at the time and worshiped by Wall Street: we owe them our state of affairs.
It is time to get very vocal and spread the word, no matter how painful it is to our preconceived notions. If you really want to save the planet, there is no other option available.