Breaking Free From 10,000 Years Of Programming And Superstition
Time to reevaluate the notion of value morphing every human being into a “resource”.
This blog will not deny the reality that violent acts may happen but rather focuses on the conditions fueling the emergence of mass aggression .
Some authors, under the influence of moral relativism, might write hundreds of pages about the topic, but the premise of human sovereignty demonstrates the obvious: war essentially became an invention when sedentary lifestyles took over and monetary value began to control (humans and non-human) resources, all of which made societies more complex.
Some of you may recall one of our best videos Life VS The Patriarchy last year and available on BitChute. We also posted here on Medium, scroll down our main page.
If you read The Scientific American article, there is a snippet briefly explaining that controlling the lineage was helpful in determining the pecking order regulated by the first top-down models. However, since our society is still based on such a premise, the author does not delve further into this matter. This attitude is pervasive, though, especially among people who support social ranks being the direct result of managed affluence.
It has not changed over the millennia. Today we’ve another name for such a strategy-control and the latter is referred to as organized currency wars and crises.
As much as war is immoral, the notion of affluence is deeply connected to the latter, mainly because the wealthier one is more interested in power and the protection of the lineage. These aspects are embedded in monetary value. If we look back at history, we first have to wonder why war is still offered as a solution while weaponry becomes more sophisticated over the years.
Anybody agreeing with war today — regardless of its justification — is suffering from serious cognitive dissonance, however. Mass consent for war is always induced by a lack of access to unbiased data.
Interestingly enough, studies on violence among chimpanzees living in the wilderness have been linked to increasing human interference with their habitat. In other words, an induced response to human disturbance explains the SF column. Darwinism is a very flawed stance and can no longer be justified today. The animal kingdom is so much more cooperation-driven than we think among non-carnivorous species. Carnivores generally attack unsuspicious, weak, and old prey.
Seeing it this way falsely validates the impossibility of eradicating mass violence between humans. It is deep programming, and to fix the latter, we have to address our relationship with the material world because the system offers only two options: either one belongs to the affluent class or tries to escape a rat race. The attempt to flee is a paradox in itself as it, too, perpetuates the framework one seeks to stay away from.
So where do we move from there since we have to consume more and more to generate profit? How to undo the harm caused by 10,000 years of programming and superstition? Money represents the circulating information, Alan Watts points out, it has no value in itself. We agree, it is a pure abstraction!
We’ll have to reevaluate the notion of value morphing every human being into a “resource” because this is causing systemic hypocrisy, masking the real stakes. We are in big trouble, no doubt about that.
And the choice lies between a job to make money to have the right to eat and a roof while being slaves to technology… or having a vocation that drives individual happiness and the joy of sharing to ensure world harmony and the peaceful use of technology.
Don’t Work For Money — Alan Watts
War Is Not Part of Human Nature (2018)
A close look at archaeological and other evidence suggests that collective killing resulted from cultural conditions that arose within the past 12,000 years.
Margaret Mead’s 1940 article: “Warfare Is Only an Invention — Not a Biological Necessity.”
Margaret Mead’s war theory kicks butt of neo-Darwinian and Malthusian models (2010)