Advertising At The Edge Of The Apocalypse
There is no climate crisis but a consumption and ignorance crises
Money and advertising are behind the most massive hallucination of our time. But what for exactly now that our global debt load is about to take us down completely?
3 reasons to fear America’s massive $70 trillion debt pile (CNN JULY 2019) | The global balance of borrowings is over $246 trillion, nearly 320% of worldwide GDP and just shy of the all-time high it reached in the first quarter of 2018. That means, overall, the world is borrowing more than it is producing. It is living beyond its means, so to speak. Such a massive pile of it puts the world — and emerging markets in particular — at risk to sudden shifts in market conditions.
THE MIND AWAKENED As stipulated in our previous column, 70% of people are right to sense that something is deeply wrong with the world economy but there is not much time left for them to really figure out. This to say that the time frame left to spread the word is also shrinking.
Without “consumerism” money cannot exist.
Thousand years ago the powers-that-be used other subterfuges, like promoting the right to invade others to increase wealth and claiming that it would benefit everybody. We saw this in (the so-called) Great Rome whose conquests ended up fueling such a “slave surplus” that when the empire collapsed there were more slaves than citizens, most of which were starving since the slaves had taken most jobs. Case point — money creates scarcity.
Capitalism is not free trade, and as a matter of fact free trade only exists in small communities. Monopolies start taking shape when the number of individuals trading reaches a certain number. Once individuals become more anonymous. Free trade never lasts because of greed, and greed is caused by the mere presence of money.
No matter how we look at it, the same conclusion always pops up. Yet the consensus tells us that greed is a necessary evil and that we have to thank greed for having the basic necessities. A car, a home and a job, unlike in the poor countries, and that we’d consider ourselves “blessed”.
Advertising is subliminal hypnosis but the good news is that as soon as we awake, the “dark magic” stops working — It is thus understandable as to why some degrowth economists dream of seeing advertising to be banned.
We need another system.
A system based on Trust, Integrity, and Empathy to end the most lethal hallucination humanity has ever known!